Whittled Reindeer worked really well using elder and hazel for the body and legs. Years 5 and 6 now have the skills to be left to hollow and cut the wood successfully themselves.
Christmas Tree Decorations How much fun can you have with clay and glitter? So, so much!
Can you build a den in 20 minutes? In 20 minutes a snow storm was arriving according to the BBC weather news. Could the teams build a shelter in that time so that they didn't perish in the storm?
Can you build a house? Key Stage One were tasked with building a house for a toy which would keep out the cold, wet and wind using just the natural environment.
The whole school have been over to the Kingswood Park again to improve the Nature Area. We have planted over 400 bulbs. In the Spring daffodils, snowdrops, anemones and more will be on show we hope.
Conkers and Elder pieces were used by Key Stage 2 to create necklaces and puppets. Mostly this was good for our wellbeing, we smiled and drilled mindfully.
Conker Necklaces require drilling, threading and putting on gloves, all of which are great practice for Key Stage One fine motor skill practice.
Diwali Celebrations are coming up so the children have been making rangoli patterns using the autumnal leaves.
The story Billy's Beetle inspired Key Stage One's search for natural objects which would fit into a matchbox.